Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Snowtubing and Basketball in Tee Shirts In The Same Weekend

On Saturday Burt and Marissa went snowtubing at our local ski area (on man- made snow of course, as it has been 50 degrees most of the time). Then on Sunday evening, Laura, Jean Paul (Laura's friend from Tahiti) Burt, Ollie and I played basketball in tee shirts around the corner from our house. You gotta love global warming!

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Let The Merriment Begin

Ollie is happy that tick season has finally (temporarily)subsided ... and is now enjoying the yummy Christmas tree ornaments that hang at his eye level. Theo has discovered a way to "nest " deep within the tree, making it extremely difficult to remove him. Anything new that is brought into the house is fawned over by our three curious creatures...Theo chews on the plastic bags...and knocks items off the counter to Ollie waiting below.... and Baxter just continually harasses us for food. Then to help tire Ollie out, Burt engages in a rowdy games of "keep away" with Ollie that include running down the hall and stairs and skidding and spinning on the hardwood floors. The skidding and spinning part is done mainly by the dog. Laura is discovering what pure chaos really means.;) One must have a good sense of humor to reside in the Cash and Hash household.