Monday, June 30, 2008

Road Trip!

Here we are in Atlantic City...sans puppy.We left him for the day at a "pet hotel" that looked GREAT on line, and sounded quite normal on the phone when I booked the day. It turns out it was run by complete wackos. They all appeared to be out of the movie, Whatever Happened To Baby Jane. But of course we just hoped he would forgive us and left him there because we really wanted to gamble and have a nice dinner.;)
It was all worth it in the end because I walked away with $8.00!!
Burt did a little better.

Ollie loves hotels! He doesn't necessarily love having his photo taken. He looks kind of embarrassed.

We visited Burt's boyhood home , schools, pool he belonged to, and even drove the very same path of his old his old paper route. =) It's fun to go back to ones old stomping grounds. Providing things have not changed too drastically.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Monday, June 16, 2008

End of the year/retirement staff party~

As we celebrated the school year ending, and the departure of a favorite staff member.."random man" crashed our photo. Are you able to see the expression on the face of the person to his right?
"Random man" migrates. Then he offered his business card and offered to buy us a drink if we joined him in the bar. Hmm....did we appear desperate?

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Exciting Baby Update!

Today I was invited to go along to the Dr.'s office with Ryan and Melissa, and I got to hear my Grandchild's heartbeat!

Here is Melissa being told that it is just plain MEAN to withhold the gender of the child from the Grandmother .