Monday, December 29, 2008


For those of you that are unfamiliar with this game..I can tell you that it is EXTREMELY fun! Definitely the most used game this holiday.

Friday, December 26, 2008

Random Christmas 2008 Photos

Christmas at Joan's house.. Laura holds Hazel while Quinn beguiles her with some ribbon.
Melissa, Quinn holding Hazel, Paul, Joan and Michelle

Quinn and Hazel

Katelyn and Hazel

Tom plays with the little ones...Robert and Paul

Katelyn and Laura experience Auntie heaven.

Some of the first cousins...Leigh, Ed, Laura, Katelyn,
Ryan and Michelle

All but one of the( girl) cousins ;)

Oliver and Ed

More auntie indulgence..

Christmas eve..

Ryan and Hazel smooch..

Who ever thought to get Hazel this pony really pegged a great gift for an infant!!


Marissa gets Twilight gear..

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Hazel's first snow!

Hazel had her first New England snowstorm experience. She got to lie in the deep snow while the snowflakes fell on her ;)

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Laura meets sweet Hazel !!!

She's perfect!!!!

Hazel is wondering how old she will have to be to fly to Nice to visit Laura.

Auntie Laura meets sweet Hazel for the first time, and can't believe how absolutely adorable little miss twinkle toes is. Laura did not cry however, so
I'm wondering how the 'crying at meeting Hazel' gene skipped over her.

Ryan turns 33!!! Good lord!!
Really, the best place to put little Hazel would be the center of the table, but it wasnt big enough.

Look at how big Daddy and Auntie Laura's hands look next to Hazel!!

Laura and Ryan (the birthday boy)

This is all I need for Christmas!!!

Sunday, December 07, 2008