Sunday, March 22, 2009

After the walk at Brueggers~

Ryan hangs on to cute~ Burt~
Nana really wants an iphone...but Ryan had a good point.."she would be just as happy with a universal remote."

Hazel, Melissa, and Joan~

The motely crew at the two mile point~

Our walk- 2nd day of "spring."

Nana and Hazel..87 years apart, yet alike in so many ways ;)

Melissa ,Hazel, Joan, Nana, Gerry, Ryan, in front..Ed, Burt and Ollie

Hazel and her very cool shades~

First Full Day Of Spring! ~09

Great Brook Farm~ The Cranberry Bogs~
Back to the farm~

Sweet Hazel in the evening~

Monday, March 09, 2009

Ollie at the car wash..

One of Ollie's favorite activities is going to the car wash. He takes the jets of water as a personal affront. When the staff isn't busy, they like to make him chase the hose.

Sunday, March 08, 2009