Sunday, March 28, 2010

More Babysitting Fun With Hazel Bug~

We walked to the playground..
Hazel waited patiently for her turn on the lady bug.

We LOVE this story!!

She knows all of her animal sounds!

This baby is getting so independent!

Spontaneous relaxing on the small table..

Spontaneous relaxing on the arm of the sofa..

Back to work..

Game night..

Ready for bed.. :)

Hazel bug can now pretend she's asleep!! It may be the cutest thing in the world!!

When you look good, you look good.
Even Dexter admired the beauty of the outfit.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

This just speaks for itself.

Road trip to NY-

Katelyn's studio!! I LOVE it!

Ollie and Burt at the La Quinta= La Sucka hotel~ Ollie liked it, though.

K&T's house! :)

Yummy dinner, around the corner from their house.. along with a million other fantastic restaurants and shops. Jeesh.

Part of K's PERFECT studio!!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Local flooding on the Charles River..

Nana and I went to see the Moody St. Dam that is in danger of breaking. You can see the front end loaders bringing barriers in to try to save the condos to the left. Television trucks were there and Nana offered to have them call her if they wanted to interview her. :)

We went to go check out the place that we go to feed the ducks and the bench that we usually sit in is that white thing between the two signs. There were two geese sitting in it when we first arrived.. but the swam off before I could get my camera/phone working.