Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Random pics from Christmas week 2010

So nice to have L home!!
The cat climber also serves as a very nice playground for the critters :)

Hazel is crawling like a "HUGE DINOSAUR!" - "Come on Grammy, crawl!" I will not post the picture that Ryan kindly took of me crawling down the hall.

Happy Birthday, Auntie Laura!!

Sweet Hazel :)

This is what I saw after saying good-byes to Katie:)

R is holding up the fort nicely while Melissa is in Ireland :)

Just before K left-

If you give a pig a pancake....

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Thursday, December 23, 2010


needed a cat "fix" even back then-
Christmas circa 1957- complete with BB gun, cowboy outfits, cap guns, and then .."girl" gifts. :)

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Ryan's Birthday~

Helping Daddy celebrate his 35th birthday! Is that even possible???????

when it comes right down to it.. is there anything funnier than escaping without your clothes on?

Goodnight Sweet Hazel :)

cleaning proved to be too much for Burt-

and visions of sugarplums danced in his head..

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Getting ready for Christmas..

Holiday open house at the mom's place (above)

Fun decorating the house! (below)

Sunday, December 05, 2010

A day with Sweet Hazel~

The nesting dolls were given names, and roles to play with the frog :)
Hazel cracks jokes now!!
(albeit somewhat primitive jokes, but actually funny)
love this baby's imagination!!

taking a snack break :)
Hazel loved to copy everything Burt did-

The ultimate humiliation for a dog.. forcible grooming by the cats.