Monday, July 23, 2007

Welcome To Our Blog

Birthday Party At Michelle and Jim's House

My brother, Gerry~

Nana admired the beauty of Laura's scarf and mentioned that she would love a scarf like this herself! It was then that Laura reminded her that Nana was the one that had in fact given the scarf to her. She concluded that she simply had good taste.

Laura watches baby Oliver toddle around like he just finished a long horse ride. Burt's comment was that Oliver's walk reminded him of how he looked during his salsa lesson that morning. He was right.

Emily and Oliver~

Ryan tries to make it up to Quinn after going too far during a squirt gun fight and making Quinn cry. Do boys ever grow up? I did punish him, Quinn.

Katrina, Laura and Joan in the background~

Uncle Ed had the knack to make Eric laugh. Ed did not always possess this talent.

My nephew Jamie and his wife Rachel were there with their baby , Eric.

My brother Rick (my parent's favorite) and his wife katrina were here from St. Pete's. Rick is holding his first grandson, Eric.

Laura and Marissa

This photo was taken shortly after Laura gave Marissa, Burt and myself a Salsa lesson. Let's just say Marissa caught on very quickly.


We went out to Northampton for the afternoon to see Marissa in an end of her two week camp performance. The show was terrific and full of talent. Marissa has a beautiful voice. After the show, Laura was able to meet up with her very good friend, Laura C. (otherwise known as my other daughter Laura) Although the time together was very BRIEF... it was ,as always, so much fun! The fascinating thing about the visit was that Laura C. (who happens to be a Doctor) Got us lost for the SECOND time in her very own current home town ! The best part was...we were driving her two blocks to her house;)

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Precious Time Together

Kate and I.. in Rockport

Laura, Katelyn, Melissa, Ryan and Burt after dinner.
We are just missing Marissa.
Hmm. What are Laura and Ollie looking at???

I'm sure that this entry will not be appreciated by some.. but it brought back sweet memories for me to find my girls downstairs quietly talking after giving themselves pedicures.

Kate and Laura~

Katelyn with a beautiful sky in Rockport

Katelyn, Nana, Burt and Ryan after our Japanese/Korean fusion dinner. NEVER give Nana chopsticks.
So...Katelyn started off today for Wisconsin, and Laura is in Connecticut for a friend's wedding and then will soon be heading back to France to finish her Doctorate. I treasure every moment with these guys. Even the moments that are a bit "trying". Like when someone goes thirty or forty seconds beyond meal time. I won't mention any names...K.

Sunday, July 01, 2007

Some hang'n around photos...

Marissa, Burt and Ollie at Delaney ...our favorite walking spot. In Ollie's case's his favorite running (freakishly fast) and swimming spot.

Note Marissa sporting her new contacts!
Marissa drives the car for the first time! In a REALLY big parking lot! Thank God. (she actually did very well)

We had a picnic at Halibut State park..

Look carefully at photo above..check out Ollie's pose.Relaxing..

Not relaxing..

This is actually from the beginning of the month. I just love the T-shirt and bottle of Mikes.