Sunday, September 30, 2007

Ollie Goes To Boston

We took the Ollinator on an outing to the big city. He got to ride elevators,picnic on the common, and stroll through the public garden. He had to be held back from a swim and bird chase in the duck pond. There were plenty of perfectly good ducks and swans just sitting there, too. We then took a walk down Charles Street and went into the pet store where he was welcomed by the two dogs in there. My favorite part was watching him walk by the front door of the Ritz Carlton with his head up high casually eyeing the doormen and checking out the limos. He was so well behaved that we could actually pass him off as a refined city dog.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Waterfire In Providence Rhode Island

Thanks to my brother Gerry(and Judy:)We went to Waterfire in Providence last night. It was superbly beautiful and moving. There are an enormous series of fires along the river that are continuously stoked by black draped folks in black covered boats. You can feel the heat of these fires on your body and hear the crackle. All the while there is music playing that echoes through the river park. The whole experience was ethereal.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

My Darling Daughter Laura And Her Tough Life In France

Laura, although she would claim otherwise, seems graced with a knack for living in the most beautiful of places and having some utterly fantastic experiences. This after five years in Tahiti? (for instance..swam with a whale and her calf??) Some of us are forced to live vicariously through others!!! Laura is at her friend's country house. Adele and Leela are the girls on the right.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Interesting article I found in the paper...

Bush Has One Of Those Days Where He Feels Like 68 Percent Of People Hate Him
May 2, 2007 | Issue 43•18

WASHINGTON, DC—In an East Room press conference Tuesday, President Bush told reporters that he had the "sneaking feeling" that 68 percent of the U.S. population hated his guts that day.

"Maybe it's just me, but when I woke up this morning, it really seemed like 60 percent of men and 77 percent of women didn't want to have anything to do with me," Bush said. "I'm even getting the feeling that nearly two out of every three people who identify themselves as devout Christians—people who usually love me—are giving me the cold shoulder lately."

Though Bush admitted he found it "disquieting" that more than two-thirds of the country thinks he is not the right man to lead the nation, he assured the public that he "won't let it affect the way [he does his] job in any way."

More News Briefs

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Monday, September 03, 2007

Marissa's 15th Birthday!

Marissa chose her favorite restaurant, Gibbet Hill, to celebrate her birthday. She loves their filet mignon. Below is the view from the window of the private little room they gave us. You can watch the Black Angus cows wandering on the hillside. They claim that these are not the source of their steaks...hmm.

Ryan, Melissa, and her little sister, Robyn joined us for dinner and then back to our house for cake. (The cake that Burt baked and frosted after Marissa went to sleep on her birthday eve.) You have to agree that is sweet!

Saturday, September 01, 2007

Stone Arch Bridge

We went on a hike through conservation land today and came across a very cool 1872 granite bridge right here in our very own little town. It's made entirely without mortar, and supports an old abandoned railroad bed. Ollie found that the disgusting brown water that runs underneath it makes for fantastic swimming!