Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Portrait Of A Hybrid

An artist that we met at Nana's place in Weston, fell in love with Ollie...mainly because he hugged her, and offered to paint him. We love it! We are thinking of making the painting a new baby gift for someone special, for their nursery. We want that baby to be exposed to beauty from the very start.


Laura S. said...

The artist truly is gifted! But don't you think Ollie's existence is over-glorified?

cash and hash said...

WHAT? Don't make me choose between you and Ollie!

RaeSchuft said...

um... uh... I'm speechless...

Anonymous said...

Now you need Ollie painted on velvet playing poker

cash and hash said...

So what are you saying Mark. Are you insinuating that our portrait of a hybrid is...uh..tacky??