Sunday, May 18, 2008

"Apple Blossom" Fete

Last night we all piled into one car and went to the annual apple blossom celebration and fireworks. As part of a long standing family tradition passed along from the maternal side...we beat out many a small child to win our stuffed animals. Oh...and Melissa really wasn't as good at the squirt gun competition as she apparently thought. Westford really doesn't get much more exciting than this.

Ryan's 6'5 frame got the shotgun seat. He almost appears smug about it doesn't he? As his poor expectant wife rides in the back with his mother and( soon to be ) step sister.


RaeSchuft said...

Yes, but I noticed you did not rely solely on skill but instead chose to go with gun #9 which everyone knows was winning all night :) I think I was still distracted by my mother in law's comments about my backside getting bigger... ouch, still stings...

Laura S. said...

You look like a bunch of overgrown babies, sitting smugly with your giant stuffed animals! (Wish I were there!)

cash and hash said...

rae: excuses infer inferiority.;)

Laura: There is pride in winning at all costs. We wish you had been there too:(