Friday, July 25, 2008

This photo is dedicated to Mark

Mark.. you may feel free to copy this..enlarge it if you'd like and even hang it on your living room wall. Enjoy!


Anonymous said...

Gee I wonder what happened to Ollie's own web page?

Glad to be kept up to date on how the dog looks.

Mark, who is wondering what his older brother looks like nowadays ....

cash and hash said...

Oh..he looks pretty much the same. You know, a head, arms, legs, all that stuff. Also.. he is no way near as much fun to photograph as the animals. Although very cute,he doesn't have all of those endearing expressions. ;)

Laura S. said...

I agree with Mark. Too many 4-legged animals glorified with too little diversity in expression and setting - can get embarassing! Try capturing the diversity in kleenex boxes or something.

Anonymous said...

Well if you want to drive away those people who are more interested in people then you are doing a good job...

cash and hash said...

Whining and bitterness only spurs me on.