Sunday, March 08, 2009

Dinner and game night!

This is what happens when Daddy blows rasberries on on your back :)


RaeSchuft said...

a very nice evening... thank you for dinner... we had alot of fun :) Hazel did NOT wake up to eat when we got home... She was exhausted and slept well :)

cash and hash said...

Our pleasure! Hazel and her parents are my favorite family! I'm disappointed that the flash wasn't strong enough to get you guys outside. If I had my glasses ON I would have known that.I'm glad she slept.. she is one busy infant!

Laura S. said...

I love the shot of ecstatic Marissa and blasée Hazel. Too cute!

Katelyn Alain said...

me too i love the pictures. wish i could be there to hang out too.

on a side note, you should make the pictures a lot smaller for the blog. (72dpi 800x600) i clicked on one and could only see an eyelash it was that big.