Sunday, May 10, 2009

Thank you Laura!


Laura S. said...

You're welcome! Hope they haven't provoked too much deviant cat activity.

cash and hash said...

Initially they were all over it, but no one is bothering it now. I put it in the bedroom when we go out just to be safe.

It smells as beautiful as it looks!

Katelyn Alain said...

saweeeet! almost as good as the romantic ensemble i got on my birthday.
cute picture of you.

Anonymous said...

Was this because you are now officially one year older?

cash and hash said...

nope..mother's day.

Laura S. said...

But you are ALMOST officially one year older! Between the flowers and the big-head coasters... which do you prefer? Tough choice I'm sure :-)

cash and hash said...

Please don't make me choose!