Sunday, September 04, 2011

Goodbye summer-

It's hard to believe that summer is coming to a close, and the new school year is beginning. What a year thus far. Lots of changes, some absolutely great!!- and some sad and challenging losses and adjustments.

It's been a full and (mostly) fun filled last couple of months. Starting with a monkey filled Barbados adventure. Lots of laughs shared and treasured memories to keep forever. Riding in the back of a "Jitney" bus careening through the streets with island music blaring, to a destination that was completely abandoned had to be one of my favorites! Time alone to re-connect with my youngest child was fabulous. I love her sarcasm and wit. Thank you Katie! :)

Burt, Marissa and I had a great visit to France to see Laura and Edouard. They are wonderful hosts and we got to celebrate, albeit after the fact, Laura's accomplishments and new position at the University. (AND meet Edouard's lovely mom.) It was busy and fun filled even if we were lame mountain climbers. It was great to share the French 'experience' with Marissa for the first time. Thank you L and E! It's ridiculously difficult to be so far away from people that you love so much.

I'm grateful for my Wednesday afternoons with sweet Hazel, and our Friday beach days with my favorite daughter in law and granddaughter. We even got a few day trips thrown in there at the end of August. Man, the summer flew by. Miss H begins pre-school this year!! WHAT?!?

Marissa began her college career last week! Seriously. She seems happy and I'm sure she'll do great things! I still have a twelve year old with braces in my head. What a wonderful young woman she has become. Burt has a lot to be proud of. :)

Happy Labor Day! :)


Laura S. said...

It has been a big year, full of so many major changes for so many of us.
By the way, love Hazel's curls in that picture!

cash and hash said...

it sure has. it's funny that I think a my year in terms of a school year. a new year never starts in January for me.

Laura S. said...

Same with me. It's that teacher problem.