Monday, January 30, 2012

A fun outing :)


Laura S. said...

I can't believe how big she's getting!!
Where was Ollie? Doesn't seem fair that Hazel got to run across the field but not him! :-)

cash and hash said...

It's funny that you say that.. we really struggled with leaving Ollie behind, it's his favorite park. But, Hazel won out this time.

Laura S. said...

I THOUGHT I recognized the scenery. Usually it's Ollie we see galloping across that field.

cash and hash said...

Actually, it was almost like having Ollie. Hazel randomly took off running up hills and through fields.

RaeSchuft said...

love these pics! Love how much fun she has with you guys! Next time, bring Ollie... Hazel can chase him around the fields and wear him out too... FYI - she slept until 8am the next day!

cash and hash said...

love love love her comments and "take" on life :)