Tuesday, December 25, 2012

A few pics from Christmas 2012 (for Laura!: )



Laura S. said...

Adorable, thank you!!! I especially love the one of Eli driving the red car... "too cool". Can't wait for Lucie to be able to join the cousin ruckus.

cash and hash said...

Eli was honking the horn non stop- a New York baby! :) Then he discovered that he could honk it with his mouth.Hilarious!! I can't wait to have Lucie and all of her cousins together!!

cash and hash said...
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cash and hash said...
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Laura S. said...

Ha ha, we'll have to compare New York babies to Nice ones... Similar bad habits may appear :-)

Katelyn Alain said...

Hahaha! I'm just seeing this. That one of Eli in the car honking is awesome. Also, I stole the family picture of us for our Eli album. Don't have many of those. Got any more?

cash and hash said...

A few pics, will send. This made me laugh because Tom used to say "everyone pick up an animal." Now we just pick up a child :) How things change.