Saturday, February 23, 2013

Baby Lucie!

Lucie snowshoeing!


Laura S. said...

I like that she looks like a fattie in that first picture. Somehow it's reassuring, even if she's a peanut.

RaeSchuft said...

when I saw the title I expected to see a 4 month old crawling along in snowshoes.. I'm a bit disappointed... Looks like she's just getting a free ride to me ;) Just kidding.. Adorable pics Laura!

cash and hash said...

I know, right? I somehow expected her to be trailing her parents in tiny snowshoes, too. :)

Laura S. said...

Next year she'll have to carry her own weight! :-)

Katelyn Alain said...

Yeah, she's overly cute, but she's definitely a little blasé about snowshoeing. You don't have anyone fooled, Lucie!