Friday, May 25, 2007

Where was the male stripper??

These are some of the craftiest people ever created. Look at them. They look pretty innocent, right? Not.They plan and scheme right under your nose, they work in total darkness ( apparently), they LURE you in under false pretenses...a flood downstairs??? Really.
And, they all somehow knew where to buy the most shocking/tacky items that I have ever seen!! (they were great;)
This was actually the most fun evening I've had in a long time. I feel so lucky to work with and know these guys!!!


Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Does that mean you are getting married soon?

cash and hash said... just means that I work with people who thought that this would be fun, given the fact that I've tried to keep such an extremely low profile about the whole thing. They share a somewhat twisted sense of humor.

cash and hash said...

Hey Mark, I've tried and tried to view the link you sent. NO LUCK!

Anonymous said...

I assume you copied and pasted the URL onto your browser?

Well I guess you just have to find your own male stripper then :-P.

cash and hash said...

Okay Mark, Will do. Thinking of advertising on Craigs List. (can you imagine the amount of..ahh..."characters" that would respond?