Marissa, Burt and Ollie at Delaney ...our favorite walking spot. In Ollie's case's his favorite running (freakishly fast) and swimming spot.
Note Marissa sporting her new contacts!
Marissa drives the car for the first time! In a REALLY big parking lot! Thank God. (she actually did very well)
We had a picnic at Halibut State park..
Look carefully at photo above..check out Ollie's pose.
Not relaxing..
This is actually from the beginning of the month. I just love the T-shirt and bottle of Mikes.
Yes that's my older brother, Mr. Geek. Mike's? For me form my 54th, it'll be Portland brewed Vodka with fresh ginger and Jamaican ginger beer. More importantly I'll be with my kiddos laughing.
Truth be known...this was actually the "dress down" day AFTER the big day. We calebrated the real event with one of the four combined children and his bride... with shushi and a toast to the birthday boy.
I think our own personal celebration was was pretty darned festive though. As you can tell! Does it look like he could be having any more fun?????? hehe
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